Journo SB: Weight Loss Drugs £500

One for mums!!!

Journo SB: Weight Loss Drugs £500
Type – Magazine
Location – UK wide
Casting –  Pics
Date – Immediate
Payment – £££s
Talent –
Ethnicity – Any
Deadline – 1607

£500 for an interview chat & gorgeous studio photoshoot 

Looking to speak to a woman who has taken the weight loss drugs on the market for the summer/to shape up a wee bit and has had a bad/unfortunate reaction to the drug

Please send a recent picture (headshot and full length)  with your name, age, occupation, where you live, and a few lines on your height, weight, and why you took the drug – thanks! 

£££’s for a 10-minute phone interview

You do not need to be registered to apply for this – Apply if suited

If you have trouble attaching the images please email the images separately to

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